ICO Manager

Experiment: ICO Manager

So you want to start your own crypto project and use an ERC20 token as a utility token inside your project as well as a distribution mechanism in order to raise funds for your ICO.

All well and good, but you’ve never done an ICO before.

Doing a bit of research you find that you need to ensure a great deal of transparency and security in order to have a credible and successful ICO.

Here are some of the things you need to be aware of:

  • You should use best practices and existing open source code in writing your contract
  • Your potential investors will want to know that the smart contract you wrote for your ERC20 token is transparent and well written
  • Team members and Private Investors should have their tokens locked up for a certain period
  • You should distribute the tokens to all participants in the same day if possible

Building this on your own requires a lot of research and careful implementation and a lot of testing, which takes a lot of time that could be used to promote/build your product. That’s why we’ve created the ICO Manager.

Why ICO Manager

The ICO Manager allows you to easily create, deploy and edit ERC20 tokens and then manage the distribution of tokens during and after your ICO.

It does so by using the latest open source code and best practices to build and deploy your contract. It also keeps your private keys safe by ensuring that they never leave your hardware wallet and that you don’t need to use them in an insecure environment.

You can use it to create an ERC20 token directly from the browser or import an already existing contract as long as it adheres to the ERC20 standard. All contracts generated are verified with Etherscan.io to ensure transparency and be able to load information about the generated contract application binary interface (ABI) needed to perform some actions on the contract.

Distributing tokens to your team is easy and verifiable through the use of lock contracts that allow you to securely store funds for any period of time and only unlock them once that period has passed.


  • Securely log in with Metamask and the hardware device of your choice, thus ensuring your private keys never leave your wallet
  • Load or create ERC20 tokens on the fly to interact with without ever leaving your browser and with high degree of security
  • Execute any available method on your token, including: transferring funds, minting or burning tokens, pausing/unpausing contract, etc.
  • Create and list Timelock contracts that exist on your contract
  • Unlimited free use for testnet before moving to mainnet


  • A Chrome or Brave browser with Metamask extension installed
  • Your hardware wallet, if you have one, connected to Metamask as described here
  • Enough Ether to be able to execute each action (will be estimated before execution)

Visit the project

To learn more about the project and see it in action visit: https://icomanager.a25lab.com


Since this is still in the early staging we would really appreciate your honest feedback regarding any features or improvements that we can bring to it, so write to us at Around25 Contact.